Egypt Aaron
'Foul' a national Egyptian meal
Fafefel a fried fava beans dish
Koshari, an Egyptian rice meal
In Egypt the most important type of food is a loaf of bread. In remote countryside areas bread is baked by women in mud ovens. But in cites bread is sold at shops such as bakeries.

The main national cuisine meal is 'foul'.This meal consistes of Java beans wich are cooked on a low temparture. It is seasoned with lemon,salt,oil and cumin .This dish is usually eaton at breakfast. 
Other dishes are Koshari, a rice dish and falefel, a fried fava beans dish.

The eating of Meat is usually depended on how much money the Egyptian owns. Prosperous homes eat meat (fish,lamb,beef,poultry) once a week!!!!But the less wealthy Egyptians eat meat once a week or even once a month.In Egypt Muslims do not eat pork!!!! 

There are a wide range of restaurants found in Egypt and they all eat in different conditions and ways!! In villages they will sit on a carpet while eating on a low table eating from one dish to share. In cities it is more modern and contemporary and  customers will have there own  knife,fork,spoon,chair and plate.
A couple of Egyptian meals